■ 为全球乐器用户提供钢琴、吉他、提琴等乐器的音板(Soundboard)和弦列骨架系统(Stringback Frame)等声学部件的个性定制及其专业技术服务,并为建筑消费者提供现代木结构建筑工程木制品体系和住宅部品。公司总部位于国家成都经济技术开发区的川雅国际木文化产业园,是由20年行业经验的专业团队,先进装备,前沿技术和优美环境组成的现代产业园区,是“全国乐器声学木材研发基地”,产品用于YAMAHA、Bechstein、HAILUN、TOYAMA等等乐器。我们在上海、香港、温哥华和绥芬河设有工厂或机构,在北美、欧洲、亚洲的7个盛产音乐木材(云杉 Spruce)的国家存在稳固供应基地。
■ 策划设计、加工制造现代木结构建筑工程用木制品系统,是我们另一产业优势。产品包括建筑结构用胶合梁(Glulam)、桁架(Truss)、轻质木骨架组合墙体、墙骨柱型材(SPF)、定向结构木片板(OSB)、集成材等建筑构件;建筑内装用实木房门、木窗、地板、楼梯、柜材、壁材、线材等住宅部品系统;以及木结构集成房屋和户外景观防腐木产品。
■ 我们设立有木结构建筑设计研究所和企业技术中心,参与制订乐器国家标准《钢琴》《钢琴音板》等,以及木结构建筑国家标准《木结构设计规范》《木结构工程施工质量验收规范》《胶合木结构技术规范》等等,无论承担国家科技攻关项目,还是完成知名建筑设计、重关产品开发和尖端工艺设计任务,硕果累累,获得大量专利和嘉奖。
We provide custom-made and the specialized technical service of soundboard, String Back Frame and other acoustics parts whi-ch pianos, guitars and violins use for global musical instrument users, and provide consumers with modern wood frame building construction wood products system. The headquarters of the company is located in the Canya wood industrial park of national C-hengdu economic development zones. The Canye wood industrial Park, which consists of professionals who have over 20 years specialized experience, the advanced equipment, the cutting edge technology and the exquisite environment, has become the world main musical instrument acoustics parts base,and the products are mainly used in YAMAHA,Bechstein,HAILUN,TOYAMA and other musical instruments. We have set up factories or offices in Shanghai, HongKong,Vancouver and Suifenhe , and have set up stable supply bases where in area where is rich in music lumber (spruce), including North America, Europe and Asia and other 7 areas.
We have set up the wood construction architectural design research institute and the lumber project engineering research center.Regardless of undertake the national science and technology attack project, completes the significant product development and the technological design duty, we have achieved great achievements in undertaking the national science and technology projects and completing the significant product development and technological design andobtained numerous patents and awards.
We utilize the resources advantages of lumber support bases todevelop the global trade of wood and lumber.
地址:成都市龙泉区驿都西路4361号;邮编:610 101
电话:(28)8481 2204/5588/5568/5888 ;传真:(028)8481 2137
Company:Canya Wood Industry Co.;Ltd.
Addr:No.4361 Yidu Avenue Longquan District Chengdu Sichuan;610 101
Tel:(+86-28) 8481 5588 /5568 /2588 /5888;Fax:8481 2137 /2355